Health & Maintenace for Alpacas
Toe Nail Trimming:
What to use: Sharp garden secateurs or similar.
How: Toe nails should be trimmed flat to the bottom of the foot & level with the soft pad. Bleeding will occur if nails are trimmed too short, the bleeding should stop in a short period of time.
Weight and Body Scores:
It is very important to keep track of the body condition on both cria and adult alpacas.
Crias can be weighed simply by using bathroom scales. Weigh yourself first and then weigh yourself holding the cria - the difference = the crias weight.
Adults are not as easy, large animal scales can be purchsed but can prove to be costly. The bodyscore method has been developed to assist with this.
Keep track of bodyscores and weights as this will help to pick up on illnesses and when extra feed is needed.
Brass eartags with IAR numbers and applicators are available from AAA National Office.
Female eartags: eartags are placed on the right ear.
Male eartags: eartags are placed on the left ear.
The eartag is placed on the lower edge of the ear towards the base.
Two veins can be felt in the ear and the eartag needs to be place between the two.
Feed & Nutrition -What can I feed?
Roasted Flake Barley
Gum Nuts
Alpaca Blend
Lucerne Hay
Chaff - Oaten and/or Lucerne
Oaten Hay
When should I Feed:
Alpaca Blend - All year, varying the amount based on the pasture condition.
Lucerne Hay - Summer & Autumn months when the pasture is wet, full of water and animals are shedded.
Oaten Hay - This is a good food for bulking up the thinner animals or feeding mothers.
Combo Chaff - Good for a supplement feed in the wet months.
Copra - High in protein when the pasture is low in protein.
Vitamins - Used on a regular basis when mothers are pregnant, lactating & when crias have been weaned.