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Health & Maintenace for Alpacas


Toe Nail Trimming:
What to use: Sharp garden secateurs or similar.

How: Toe nails should be trimmed flat to the bottom of the foot & level with the soft pad. Bleeding will occur if nails are trimmed too short, the bleeding should stop in a short period of time.



Weight and Body Scores:

  • It is very important to keep track of the body condition on both cria and adult alpacas.

  • Crias can be weighed simply by using bathroom scales. Weigh yourself first and then weigh yourself holding the cria - the difference = the crias weight.

  • Adults are not as easy, large animal scales can be purchsed but can prove to be costly. The bodyscore method has been developed to assist with this.

  • Keep track of bodyscores and weights as this will help to pick up on illnesses and when extra feed is needed.




  • Brass eartags with IAR numbers and applicators are available from AAA National Office.

  • Female eartags: eartags are placed on the right ear.

  • Male eartags: eartags are placed on the left ear.

  • The eartag is placed on the lower edge of the ear towards the base.

  • Two veins can be felt in the ear and the eartag needs to be place between the two.



Feed & Nutrition -What can I feed?

  • Roasted Flake Barley

  • Gum Nuts

  • Copra

  • Alpaca Blend

  • Lucerne Hay

  • Chaff - Oaten and/or Lucerne

  • Oaten Hay


When should I Feed:

  • Alpaca Blend - All year, varying the amount based on the pasture condition.

  • Lucerne Hay - Summer & Autumn months when the pasture is wet, full of water and animals are shedded.

  • Oaten Hay - This is a good food for bulking up the thinner animals or feeding mothers.

  • Combo Chaff - Good for a supplement feed in the wet months.

  • Copra - High in protein when the pasture is low in protein.

  • Vitamins - Used on a regular basis when mothers are pregnant, lactating & when crias have been weaned.

{Copyright (C) 2015 Jarravale Alpacas / ABN: 37 083 513 966 / Web Designer: Natalie Bugeja}

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